Spirit Week

Join Best Buddies in Illinois for Spirit Week 2025!
Friendship Walk Family Feud
Date/Time: Monday, March 10 from 5:00-6:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Who: Anyone and everyone!
We’re kicking things off with a Friendship Walk Family Feud event on March 10. Bring the whole gang for this free event on Zoom and test your Best Buddies and Best Buddies Friendship Walk knowledge. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with Best Buddies participants from across the state and celebrate inclusion during Best Buddies Month. We can’t wait to see you there!
RSVP HereTalent Show
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 11 from 5:00-6:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Who: Anyone and everyone!
Let’s keep the Best Buddies in Illinois Spirit Week going, shall we?! Join us on Tuesday, March 11 at 5 pm on Zoom and show off your talent. The screen will be your stage, your Best Buddies friends will be the audience, and you’ll get to take the time to sing, dance, create origami, tell jokes, or show us whatever your talent is! We can’t wait to cheer you all on.
RSVP HereDancing & Karaoke
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 12 from 5:00-6:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Who: Anyone and everyone!
Day 3 of Spirit Week! This time, we’re partying it up Best Buddies style, with a dance party and karaoke. Start thinking of your song and warming up those vocal cords in preparation for an hour of non-stop fun with all of your Best Buddies in Illinois friends. If you’re not much of a singer, don’t worry, the dance party is included! See you there!