Best Buddies Friendship: Daniel and Collin

Collin and Daniel joined their local Best Buddies Friendship Chapter in Fall 2022. Collin shared, “Before Best Buddies, I was involved with Special Olympics. My Dad was a volunteer for as long as I can remember.” Following his father’s footsteps, Collin joined his college’s Best Buddies Friendship Chapter and was placed in a one-to-one friendship match with Daniel. Daniel shared, “I had never spent much time on a college campus.”
These members were a good match because they enjoy being on the water. Daniel shared, “I enjoyed going over to John Carroll University to meet up with Collin and the other Best Buddies friends. Collin and I had a great day fishing on Lake Erie. He is from Buffalo, NY, so it was fun to show him this part of Lake Erie. Collin is very friendly and kind. He texts me to check in and is always up for doing the Best Buddies activities. We recently met up at the Best Buddies Walk in Westlake and enjoyed a taco lunch after.”
It is the goal of Best Buddies to provide the opportunity for a great friendship. Collin shared, “I admire how easy it is to talk to Daniel and how he’s up to pretty much anything. Having someone like that allows for a truly great friendship! My life has changed so much since I joined this organization. Joining and meeting Daniel has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. There are so many great traits that Daniel has, including his ability to remember different things about me and his kindness. Daniel has shown me how to consistently try and find joy, which I am truly thankful for!”
If you are interested in being a Best Buddies Friendship Chapter member, visit: or contact for more information.