J²: Jennifer Corriveau and James Masterson Making History

Best Buddies New Hampshire is thrilled to formally announce the Grand Champion of the Year, Jennifer Corriveau and her Mission Partner, James Masterson. The pair, who called themselves j², raised over $50,000 for BBNH and has become the largest total ever raised in the state’s history of Champion of the Year events.
Jennifer Corriveau was born and raised in our home state of New Hampshire with the principles of inclusion instilled in her from a young age. After a brief stint in college in Massachusetts and the corporate world in Philadelphia, Jenn could not resist coming back home to New Hampshire for good. She opened Integrity Nutrition in Concord in 2020 and Remix Nutrition in Laconia in 2022, and her roots have stayed planted in the Granite State since.
Jenn first discovered Best Buddies in New Hampshire through her friend, BBNH Advisory Board member and 2021 Champion candidate Kelly Dyer-Rawlings. Jenn assisted Kelly’s Champion of the Year campaign by offering specials at Integrity to help raise money. The following year, Jenn offered specials at Integrity for another candidate, Melissa Aupperle (nominated by Kelly), and attended the infamous Champion of the Year Gala for the first time. Jenn said,
“At the Gala…the mission became personal for me. I was touched to my core and knew instantly that Best Buddies would be part of my life from that point forward.”
For the 2023 campaign, Melissa nominated Jenn, who said it was,
“more than just a quest for the crown. Although my competitive spirit was sparked throughout our run – I knew the payoff, regardless of outcome, would be far greater than the crown.”
Her competitive spirit certainly helped her hit the ground running, but Jenn’s enormous heart is what carried her through this campaign. Her events did not only raise funds, but awareness too. A true champion for inclusion, Jenn wanted to educate her community about the Best Buddies mission above all other goals, and she absolutely did that. Jenn considers her campaign as one of the things she is most proud of in her life, saying it was a,
“privilege to be a voice for inclusion and…inspire others to give.”
Jenn said regarding the start of her campaign with Mission Partner, James,
“At the outset, I believed with all my heart that we could create a massive impact,”
She started with specials at her shops that had supported campaigns for the past two years, and diversified her fundraising efforts through branded cups, t-shirts, a paint night, fitness day, and a music and craft beer night. Jenn credits much of the success of these events to the incredible group of people who supported her, through donations from their own businesses and attendance at the Gala itself.
Around 50+ individuals attended the Gala in support of j², and Jenn commented on that huge number saying,
“Perhaps the most memorable part of this experience was gathering our tribe for a group photo. I remember pausing before we took the picture and feeling completely overwhelmed – by the sheer number of us, by the passion and love in their eyes, and the collective drive to impact the mission and accomplish what we set out to…The number of people who KNOW Best Buddies now, and the number of people who, in that room, vowed to be back again at the Gala for years to come…that’s impact. That’s change. That’s the mission.”
The cheers and applause for Jenn and James was electric, and something that will be hard to forget for people who witnessed their accomplishment.
Jenn and James’ friendship is one that grew authentically, and one that will last much longer than the 8-week long competition. Jenn said she
“gained a forever friend in James (and in Tracy [James’ mother]) and that is by far the greatest gift of this entire experience. To know j-dawg is to love him – he embodies kindness, has the biggest heart, massive vision/loft goals, a witty sense of humor, and a radiant light that’ll leave you feeling loved.”
When Jenn and James were announced as Grand Champions on stage, Jenn said
“I turned to see the look on James’ face and the rest is history…I’ll never forget these moments for as long as I live.”
If you follow Jenn on social media, you know how much she has recapped the night of the Gala well after it concluded. Jennifer Corriveau is the true embodiment of a champion for inclusion. The impact of the campaign did not end for her after leaving the Gala venue, and she says things are still just getting started for her. It has been an honor for the communities in New Hampshire to witness the success of Jenn and James’ campaign. Our team at Best Buddies in New Hampshire cannot aptly express the amount of gratitude we have for Jenn, and everyone who supported Champion of the Year.