Celebrating Friendship and Community: The Best Buddies Journey in Hawai’i

In 2012, amidst the quiet hum of hospital machinery, Dave Steacy found himself in a moment of reflection. Recovering from surgery, his brother introduced him to a world of camaraderie he never knew existed—the Best Buddies Challenge: California bike ride. It was a turning point. Little did he know, this would ignite a passion that would weave through the fabric of his life for years to come.
Dave’s journey with Best Buddies began in California, but it truly took root when he and his wife, Margaret, relocated to the lush landscapes of Hawai’i in 2016. Margaret’s connection to the cause ran deep, with a brother who had Down Syndrome and had passed away a few years prior.
Their involvement blossomed organically. Dave found himself strumming chords on a guitar won at a Best Buddies Friendship Jam auction. Karen Glasser, former State Director of Best Buddies Hawai’i, brought the Friendship Walk to their attention, sparking a tradition that would transform their lives.
Initially, their walks were intimate affairs—just the two of them ambling through their neighborhood. But as word spread, so did the circle of support. Friends joined in, and soon their walks swelled in numbers. What began as a duo evolved into a community of 23, with Hawaiian Electric’s participation amplifying their impact.
For Dave, retirement from his landscaping and handyman work has opened doors to new passions, including tending to his garden and striding with purpose in the Friendship Walk. Margaret, a real estate agent and property manager, finds solace and joy in honoring her brother’s memory through their shared endeavors.
Their commitment goes beyond the miles they tread or the funds they raise. It’s about fostering understanding and compassion for the intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) community—a cause that resonates deeply with their hearts.
Reflecting on David’s life, Margaret shares, “We grew up with him; we didn’t know anything different. You learn to be compassionate and understanding of people with IDD.” David’s presence still permeates their lives, a testament to the enduring power of love and connection.
In a world often marred by differences, Margaret urges us to reach out. “Even though they may appear to be different,” she emphasizes, “they still love.” It’s a simple truth, one that reverberates through every step of their journey—a journey fueled by friendship, community, and an unwavering commitment to inclusion.
As they traverse the scenic paths of Hawai’i, Dave and Margaret embody the spirit of Best Buddies—a beacon of hope, unity, and boundless possibility.