2024 Graduates Feature

Every year Best Buddies in Ohio has the bittersweet honor of sending our Graduates on to the next chapter in their lives. While we hope many will stay involved in Best Buddies, we are pleased to share their reflections on their experiences in both high school and college chapters across the state. For all, Best Buddies positively impacted their educational experiences.
Claire Geistfeld – Upper Arlington High School
I joined Best Buddies in sixth grade after hearing about it from one of my friends. Over my seven years in the program, I have gotten to make countless friendships, and have been paired in multiple one-on-one friendships. During my senior year, I served as a chapter leader and the social media manager. Some of my favorite memories during my time in Best Buddies include our annual holiday potlucks, football tailgates, and apple-picking trips. Best Buddies, and all the other students I have gotten to meet, have taught me courage, and how to find joy in the small moments. Next year, I will be attending the University of Tennessee, and studying kinesiology and Spanish, in hopes of becoming an Occupational Therapist.
Corinne Lafferty – The Ohio State University
I have been involved in Best Buddies for the last 3 years. My favorite memory from Best Buddies was our bowling event; it was awesome to see everyone in their element and having a great time! Best Buddies was a great example of how differences can be our strength. Everyone has unique interests and capabilities that make us a great team! Next, I will be off to Physician Assistant school. Thanks, Best Buddies, for the amazing memories!
Dewey Todd – Edgewood High School
I have been in Best Buddies for 2 years. This year, I held a leadership position as the Buddy Director. My Buddy is Evan and we have been Buddies for 2 years. My favorite memory together was when we went to All Champions Day. I like Best Buddies because I am finally part of something important. I am returning to Edgewood High School to work on transition skills and will apply to attend Project LIFE next school year.
Evan Meehan – Upper Arlington High School
I have been involved in Best Buddies for 4 years, and I was the Buddy Director for 4 years. My favorite memory is being Claire’s Buddy! My favorite takeaway from Best Buddies is that I love to be included. I look forward to attending Leadership Conference and joining Best Buddies at Ohio State University.
Faith Proffitt – Edgewood High School
I have been in Best Buddies for 2 years. My Buddy is Brynn. We have been Buddies for 2 years. My favorite memory with her was going to Day Prom together last year. I like Best Buddies because I get to meet new friends. Brynn is nice and she calms me down when I feel sad.
Garrett Ziperstein – The Ohio State University
My name is Garrett Ziperstein and I am from Shelton, Connecticut. While attending tOSU I majored in Political Science/World Politics, and minored in Public Policy, graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors. Best Buddies is something that I have always loved participating in, even when I first joined in high school. The chapter we have here is extremely active and has left me with memories that I will never forget including movie nights, bowling (where Greg whooped me), and painting. Best Buddies has introduced me to new people and has helped with my communication skills. If you try to speak to one new person every event you attend it can erase any anxieties you may have arrived with. Next for me is law school where I’ll spend the next three years preparing for my future as a lawyer.
Grace Rempel – Miami University
I am graduating from Miami University with a B.A. in Psychology. I was the Campus Inclusion Chair for the Miami University chapter of Best Buddies. One takeaway that I learned is the importance of friendship. I plan to apply for graduate school in Chicago following my graduation this May!
Hannah Conforto – Westlake High School
I first got involved with Best Buddies during my Freshman year of high school during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. We started out small at first, but then our chapter grew as the past few school years went by. I am also the Buddy Director and Friendship Walk Coordinator. I have been paired up with two different Buddies as my other Buddy, Neige, graduated in 2022 and is currently going to South Florida University. I am currently paired up with my Buddy Rana. Rana and I first hung out bowling together by going to Dairy Queen, going to Roll-house of North Olmsted, then finally going to shop at Walgreens to each other our matching stuffies. I am going to miss the time I spent with Rana as I leave her for college at Tri-C Community College majoring in Film & Media and Journalism. I hope to still stay in touch with Rana while I’m in college. I am going to miss my years of high school but also think at the same that I’ll still be involved in Best Buddies somehow in my adult years. Thank you, Best Buddies, for the inclusion and many different friendships.
Hannah Vickers – Edgewood High School
I have been in Best Buddies for 1 year. My favorite memory with my Buddy Kenzie was when we had a Bingo party. We won prizes and I got a piece of candy. I like Best Buddies because we have lots of fun together as a group. I love the activities. I am going to Project LIFE next year! At Project LIFE I will learn what I need to know to get a job.
Joey Tullis – Grandview Heights High School
I have been a part of Best Buddies Ohio and the Best Buddies Grandview Chapter for many years. I am graduating from Grandview Heights High School this spring. While in Best Buddies, I have loved attending all the Best Buddies Ohio events. At Grandview, I enjoyed going to lunchtime get-togethers, movies, meetings, and going to high school games with his classmates. I love to make friends and have been embraced whole heartedly in the program. As my high school years come to a close, I look forward to my next adventure as a Buckeye. I will be attending a campus-based transition program at The Ohio State University and am looking forward to meeting many more friends through the Best Buddies OSU chapter.
Kate Robinson – Miami University
Throughout my 8 years in Best Buddies, I had the pleasure of being an Event Coordinator, Vice President, and President for my chapter. I first joined Best Buddies at my high school and knew I wanted to continue my involvement in college. Best Buddies was the first organization that I joined at Miami despite starting college during a pandemic. This organization is what made my freshman year (and every other year) so much better! My favorite Best Buddies memory is walking in the fashion show with my buddy Elizabeth. We modeled outfits from a boutique in Oxford so it was really fun picking out our outfits and getting to dress up for the event. Elizabeth was so excited to show off her dance moves while we were on stage! The mission of Best Buddies is something that will stick with me forever! This organization has taught me the true meaning of friendship, how to be a better leader, and so much more. I have made so many amazing relationships and I am so sad to leave this organization. I am currently looking for a job in either Cincinnati or Indianapolis!
Katie Overmyer – Upper Arlington High School
My name is Katie Overmyer and I am a Chapter Leader at Upper Arlington High School. I have been involved with Best Buddies since 6th grade, when I joined because of my abundant love for my younger brother who has Down Syndrome. One of my favorite Best Buddies memories is when I performed at our school’s spring talent show with my peer buddy, Aamaris. It was the first time I got to see her do what she loves – singing and dancing – on a stage in front of a real audience. Best Buddies has taught me to be myself and do things with a smile. Even in the face of frustration or isolation, I always feel radiant joy from my peers in Best Buddies. I strive to make others feel the same genuine happiness I feel when I get to be with them! After graduation, I plan to attend the University of Georgia to pursue speech therapy.
Katie Salyer – Miami University
My name is Katie Salyer and I have been a member of Best Buddies for three years. My favorite memory of Best Buddies is meeting my buddy, Courtney, at our annual match party. We shared cider slushies and bonded over our love for Disney and Skyline. Courtney has truly changed my life and I am thankful every day to have her as a life-long friend. I appreciate Best Buddies for pushing for an inclusive space for all individuals and changing the attitude among individuals at Miami about disability. I have truly appreciated being a part of this organization. Upon graduation, I plan to work full-time and pursue my Master of Business Administration!
Kayla Paul Baldwin – Wallace University
I have been involved in Best Buddies for four years and was Chapter President for one year. One of my favorite memories was seeing the movie Champions with Best Buddies. My time at Best Buddies has taught me that small acts of kindness can go very far, even if it means reaching out through a text message to check up on someone. I am now starting graduate school working on my master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology at Baldwin Wallace University.
Kyle Zevchik – Miami University
I have been involved with Best Buddies for 3 years as an Associate. My favorite memory in my time was the Best Buddies Ball at Hanover Reserve Last Year. A key takeaway I have is to always be curious and learn others’ perspectives to broaden your horizons. After graduation I will become a Laser Technician Specialist in Columbus, OH. I will be in the operating room working with cancer and prostate patients in addition to using ultrasounds.
Maddie Mraz – Boardman High School
My name is Maddie Mraz and I’m a senior at Boardman High School. Our school was new to the Best Buddies program this year, so I only participated for one year. Even so, I built such positive connections with my classmates. My favorite memory was playing Just Dance as a group. Something I’m definitely taking away from this organization is that everyone collectively made me feel like I belong. Whether it was just our crew or not, getting to know each of them was a pleasure. The Best Buddies program opened up opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise, and I cannot express how thankful I am that I joined my school’s chapter. Next year, I plan to attend Youngstown State University and major in Middle Childhood Education, in hopes of becoming a math teacher.
Madi Jerome – Miami University
I’ve been involved with Best Buddies for 4 years. My favorite memory is the Fashion Show every year. I’ve learned to use respectful language and to treat everyone equally and respectfully. I will be moving back to Cincinnati and looking for a job!
Marisol Armas – Wauseon High School
I joined Best Buddies when it was first announced by Ms. Heath at Wauseon High School. My initial thought was that it seemed like such a great idea to bring people together to lessen a divide. It’s a very beautiful concept with lighthearted intentions. I’m aware of hardships and the stigma with disabilities. I felt quite motivated to help stop the negative connotative thoughts towards the subject and support instead! We recently performed at the Talent Show, and I loved practicing for it. We put our all into that performance, and we killed it as usual. You should always be kind, considerate and inclusive to others (regardless of who they are); I think it just solidifies it. We are all people with hearts that can care for everyone. I want to keep helping with lots of things!
Matthew D’Arcus-Rioja – Talawanda High School
My name is Matt and I am one of the founder members of the Talawanda High School Best Buddies Chapter. I am Mrs. Sammons’ BB right-hand-man! Being part of THS BB made me feel happy and welcomed. My first Buddy was Maya Meade – the first THS BB President. She is a wonderful friend and we keep in touch! I made so many friends in Best Buddies and always had a great time. This year my Buddy was Anna. We shared the same passion for swimming. Participating in the Friendship Walks, the Inclusion Fest, Dance parties, Crazy Socks Day, Spirit Day, and many other fun activities was a wonderful experience. After graduation I will be joining the Safe Haven Farm Program and exploring new opportunities. I also plan to join Miami University Best Buddies Chapter! Best Buddies made a big difference in my life. Thank you THS Best Buddies for your friendship and for helping me grow!
Nate VandeRyt – Edgewood High School
I have been in Best Buddies for 2 years. My favorite memory with my Buddy Gracie was when we had a Friendsgiving Party in November. She helped me make a turkey out of candy and cookies. I like Gracie – she is my sister! I am going to Project LIFE next year! Project LIFE will help me develop job skills.
Riley Joy – Miamisburg High School
I just joined Best Buddies at the beginning of my Senior year. My favorite memory is probably making friendship bracelets, that was really fun. A lesson I learned from being in Best Buddies is inclusion, no matter what you look like or the things you like you can always be a part of something. Inclusion used to be a really hard thing for me, I always thought I didn’t belong somewhere but now I found a place where I do and I know other people that struggled with that too. I have a little sister with Down Syndrome, and I feel like I’ve got to learn more about her and what people with disabilities go through. After I graduate high school, I plan to go to Sinclair for two years and then transfer to Ohio University for another two years. I plan to study wildlife biology and someday become a wildlife vet. This program has taught me so much and I’m so glad that I was a part of it.
Ryan Owendoff – Miami University
I was involved with Best Buddies for 4 years. It is hard to choose, but my favorite memories were from the Best Buddies Ball dance and the fashion show. Best Buddies has taught me that being inclusive is easy, not a burden. It has taught me that people with disabilities are truly talented and successful and creating a friendship can be life changing. I am headed to Columbus to attend The Ohio State University College of Dentistry in the Fall!
Sean Gonzalez – Edgewood High School
I have been in Best Buddies for 2 years. My Buddy Brycen and I have been Buddies for 1 year. My favorite memory was when we did Halloween together. I like Best Buddies because it is so much fun. Brycen is my friend! I am coming back to Edgewood High School next year to learn more job skills. I will apply to Project LIFE for the next school year.
Tiffany Schatzle – Edgewood High School
My name is Tiffany Schatzle and I am graduating from Edgewood High School. My school started its Best Buddies Friendship Chapter two years ago – I joined at the very start. I became the Historian/Recruiter of our Chapter and got matched with my Buddy, Brooklynn. I have had many amazing memories with Brooklynn including, attending the Friendship Walk both years, and being selected to be featured in an article on the Best Buddies website. I was already friends with the students with IDD, but Best Buddies allowed me to get to know my friends better. After I graduate, I’m attending Miami University Regionals for Electro-Mechanical Engineering. I am excited to participate in Best Buddies there and will certainly continue my friendship with Brooklynn. She is a sophomore, and she is Deaf, so learning American Sign Language allows me to communicate with her better than most people. She’s also one of my closest friends, thanks to Best Buddies allowing us to form a lifelong friendship!
With each cherished friendship, these Buddies grew to be successful student leaders. Their words reflect the impact that a friendship has on their outlook. The connections they formed will stick with them for years to come. We carry confidence and hope for their bright futures. Congratulations to our 2024 Best Buddies Graduates!