Best Buddies International is the largest organization in the world dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic exclusion of 200 million people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders (IDD). Our programs empower people with IDD by helping them build meaningful peer relationships, gain successful employment, live independently, improve public speaking skills, self-advocacy and communication, and feel valued by society.
Best Buddies England is part of a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for people with learning disabilities. Having a friend and a paid job is something so many of us take for granted, but for some, making friends and finding employment can be really difficult. This is where Best Buddies can help!
Best Buddies England is currently working with local partners to provide integrated employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities in the London-area. We are also working with several neighboring typical and SEN schools to bring together students of mixed abilities to embrace differences, promote inclusion and ultimately build meaningful friendships.
Best Buddies England is an organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Best Buddies England is an organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our programs empower the special abilities of people with IDD by helping them form meaningful friendships with their peers, secure successful jobs, live independently, improve public speaking, self-advocacy and communication skills, and feel valued by society.

One-To-One Friendships
It builds friendships between people with and without IDD, offering social coaching, while improving the quality of life and the level of inclusion for the population, which is often isolated and excluded from society.
BESTBUDDIES® High School, Senior, Higher and Adult Programs Creates an inclusive environment for students and adults with IDD, helping them integrate socially with their peers at any age.
offers an online program where a participant with an IIRC communicates with a friend without an IDD.

Integrated Employment
Provides employment for IDD, enabling them to earn money, pay taxes and support themselves financially and independently.
It brings together trained IDD qualified professionals with companies that are looking for dedicated and dedicated employees. Through the Employment Program, Best Buddies develops partnerships with employers, assists in the hiring process, and provides ongoing support for the employee and employer.
Approximately 85% of adults (18+) with developmental disabilities have no paid community service. The Best Buddies Employment Program has full-time members, each of whom has the potential to earn total revenue of more than $1 million over 30 years and contribute to the economy of $250,000 rather than cost the government approximately $750 millions of dollars through Federal SSI and Medicaid support during this period.

Leadership Development
It educates and empowers people with IDD to become leaders, public speakers and fighters for their rights.
BESTBUDDIES® Ambassadors
Offers people with and without IDD the opportunity to gain the public speaking skills, self-esteem and confidence necessary to successfully defend themselves, their peers and their Best Buddies in communities, workplaces and government.
It empowers young people to advocate for the rights of people with IDD and helps open new Best Buddies clubs and programs by organizing special events to promote awareness of the disability movement.

Inclusive Living
It provides an integrated experience where people with and without IDD feel like active citizens living independently in a dynamic environment where they can learn, grow and thrive.
BESTBUDDIES® Accommodations
Provides opportunities for people with and without IDD to live together in a vibrant educational community, helping all residents with employment, financial literacy, continuing education and life skills while working to achieve personal goals.
We’re currently looking for:
- Schools that would be interested in learning more about our inclusive friendship and leadership programmes (available both in-person and virtually)
- Individuals with and without disabilities that would be interested in being matched in a friendship (either in-person or virtually, within England or optionally with someone in the US)
- Handicapped-accessible restaurants or event spaces in the London area that would be interested in hosting us for upcoming orientations and awareness events
- Vendors interested in donating food or drink, or goods for raffle/auction for use in these events
- Individuals with and without disabilities interested in learning more about our virtual “Ambassador” trainings, which support self-advocacy and advocacy for inclusion of people with disabilities
- Volunteers with social media experience (particularly Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) to help us develop our online presence
- Volunteers interested in being part of a working group to discuss strategies for recruitment and outreach throughout the London area
- Individuals interested in joining the Best Buddies England board of trustees and/or supporting the formalisation of this charity
- Individuals with knowledge in charity law to assist with the formalisation of the Best Buddies charity in England
If you’re interested in bringing an inclusive friendship program to your school or in hiring someone with disabilities, please email